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National Evangelist Ministries!
President and Founder Reverend Sarah Garner
14635 Spring Branch Road Redding, CA. 96003
​​​​Where ​everybody​ is ​somebody ​and​ Jesus ​is ​Lord​ of​All!

Good ​Morning ​and ​God​ Bless​ you ​God​ loves ​you ​and ​so do ​I​ and ​there​ is ​nothing you ​can​ do ​about ​it.
​Rev.​Sarah ​Garner!
Mission​ Statement
What​ we ​believe. We ​are ​Pentecostal. ​Non-Denominational. ​We ​believe ​in ​the ​Trinity. ​The​Father ​(God)​ The ​Son ​(Jesus​Christ)​and​ The ​Spirit ​(Holy​Spirit) ​Salvation​ is ​by ​grace ​through​faith​ in ​Jesus ​Christ. ​We ​believe ​in ​water​ baptism. ​We ​believe​ in ​the ​five ​fold​Ministry. Teachers,Prophets,Apostles,Pastors,and​ Evangelists (Eph 4:11).​ We ​believe ​in ​gifts ​of ​the​spirit.​ Laying​on​ of ​hands, Speaking ​in ​tongues, Gifts ​of ​Prophecy ​and​Miracles.​ We​ believe ​Jesus​ is ​Lord ​of ​Lords ​and​ King ​of ​Kings. ​We ​believe ​he​(Jesus​Christ)​died ​for ​the ​sin's ​of ​the​world​ and ​was ​raised ​up ​by ​God/Holy​Spirit​ on ​the ​third ​day ​and ​now ​sit's ​on ​the ​right ​hand ​of​God​ making ​intercession ​for ​mankind. ​We ​believe ​Jesus ​Christ​ is ​coming ​back ​again​ to​ the​earth ​soon ​for ​his ​church ​that ​he ​died ​for. ​We​ believe ​in ​the ​Holy ​Bible ​that ​it ​is ​the​ word ​of​ God.

Exceedingly Abundant Grace for Transformation
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry . . . And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant. (1Ti_1:12, 1Ti_1:14)
The grace of God is "much more" than our sin and our failure. It is "much more" than our personal inadequacy. It is "much more" than our comprehension of it. God's grace is "much more" than necessary to radically change our lives. In the limitless resources of God, there is exceedingly abundant grace for transformation. The Apostle Paul is a distinctive example of this transforming grace of God. The Lord took him from religious vanity into spiritual service.
Paul was grateful for this work of grace. "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry." God is the one who puts us into ministry. Consequently, for every arena of service we are given, it is appropriate to express thanksgiving to God. Paul knew his ministry was anchored in God's will, not man's. "Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father" (Gal_1:1). Certainly, man can recognize and confirm our callings from God. "When James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that had been given to me, they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles" (Gal_2:9). Still, our appointment is from the Lord: "to which I was appointed a preacher, an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles" (2Ti_1:11). Unlike many of us, Paul was told of his calling at the very beginning of his walk with the Lord. "Rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you" (Act_26:16). Such calling to service becomes a stewardship from, and unto, the Lord: "of which I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God . . . if indeed you have heard of the dispensation [same term, stewardship] of the grace of God which was given to me for you" (Col_1:25 and Eph_3:2).
To put Paul into effective ministry, God Himself had to do the necessary strengthening work, as well as making him a man of faith. "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful." God's grace is the bountiful resource that brings about such transformation for ministry. "And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant."
Lord, I know Your word teaches that all of Your children are called to serve You. Work by Your grace in my heart, enabling me, building my faith, and confirming my calling. I want to be a faithful steward of Your exceedingly abundant grace, Amen.

The "Much More" Grace of God
For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. (Rom_5:17)
The grace of God is here connected with the phrase "much more." What a grand description of His grace — the "much more" grace of God! God's grace is "much more" than forgiveness. It is "much more" than new birth. It is "much more" than we have yet understood. It is "much more" than we have ever yet experienced. Here, we see it is "much more" than sufficient to deal with the devastating effects of sin in the lives of the children of Adam.
Due to sin, mankind begins their existence separated from the Lord. They are "dead in trespasses and sins" (Eph_2:1). Additionally, each person's individual experience can be decimated by the effects of sin. Selfishness, dishonesty, brutality, fear, disloyalty, deception, and the like can leave individuals in miserable bondage and paralyzing defeat. These devastations come from being under the rule of death: "For if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one." When Adam fell into sin and rebellion, the enemy of men's souls gained access to Adam and his seed. This cruel dictator rules over everyone who is related to Adam through natural birth (and not yet related to Jesus by new birth). Elsewhere, Jesus described the sole intention of our enemy's interest in us. "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (Joh_10:10).
The remedy of God for escaping the reign of death is two-fold: "those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ." First, the "gift of righteousness" provides an acceptable standing in heaven before a holy, righteous God. "But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed . . . even the righteousness of God which is through faith in Jesus Christ to all and on all who believe" (Rom_3:21-22). Second, "abundance of grace" provides the ongoing spiritual resources that are necessary for the development of a godly, victorious walk for the glory of God in the midst of humanity here on earth. Both of these wondrous provisions ("abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness") are ours because of the relationship we have by faith with Jesus Christ: "through the One, Jesus Christ."
Heavenly Father, I realize that Your grace is much more than I have yet understood or experienced. I also see that it is much more than sufficient to reverse the effects of sin that may have impacted my life. So, I humbly reach out to You to receive from Your abundance of grace, that I might walk more victoriously, through Christ, Amen.

Social Media and Live Bible Study!
The Pastor's Heart : News, Events, Schedule and Words to live by!

Speaking Schedule
April 1st 2018 Communion Service Allen Temple Baptist Church Oakland California
April 15th 2018 Speaking at Allen Temple Arms in Oakland California

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